• Family

Ranger weekends

The Ranger Weekend Programme offers children and their families an unforgettable experience of connecting with nature and various adventures. At Survivor Camp, children learn the basics of survival, including pitching a tent under the stars, while developing skills that will serve them well in the wilderness. The "Fishing Academy" gives them the opportunity to learn about equipment, fishing techniques and the diversity of fish while developing environmental responsibility.

"The Sea and Sand Rally" presents families with challenging puzzles to solve together, encouraging teamwork and creative thinking. This activity brings elements of exploration and discovery as families explore the natural beauty of the surroundings. Horseback riding further enriches the weekend by creating an emotional connection with animals and fostering a sense of responsibility in the children. The Ranger Weekend is a unique experience that promotes Scouting values, adventure and family togetherness. 

Join in:

  • 12.4.-14.4.
  • 10.5.-12.5.