Merkur Health - Health & Prevention

Health programmes at the Balance Resort Stegersbach

The Merkur Health treatments offer tailor-made options for well-being and relaxation, as well as programmes for health promotion, health maintenance and prevention. The various modules and ego4you prevention programmes are tailored to your individual needs. 

ego4you med - Classic

As part of this preventive programme, your health and fitness will be diagnosed in a pleasant hotel atmosphere, directly on site. 

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ego4you well - Relax

Come to complete rest with this decelerating relaxation programme. Soothing treatments ensure profound wellbeing.

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ego4you well - Ayurveda

Discover Ayurvedic healing practices and experience holistic relaxation thanks to personalised type determination.

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ego4you fit - Cardio

Discover your optimal training zone, test your performance and create your individual training plan together with personal coaches. Enjoy an included massage to balance out.  

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ego4you fit - Back

Use the spine check to determine your personal strength and mobility potential and work out goals for your back health during individual training counselling. Enjoy an included massage.

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time4me prevention programme

As part of the time4me prevention programme, you can look forward to a break every year with a variety of activities and relaxing hours in the Acquapura SPA. 

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