A 360° Sardinian Experience

The Island's Top Highlights

Sardinia is often described as a Mediterranean paradise. With its fine white sand beaches, the rough charm of its mountain villages, untouched landscapes with sheep and goat pastures, gorges, mountains and relics of various eras. Sardinia is full of contrasts and diversity. These are some of the top highlights that we think are must-sees. Find out some of the best attractions, activities and things to do in Villasimius, Sardinia. 

Cafes & restaurants at Villasimius Town, Falkensteiner Hotels


Villasimìus is a small town where the scent of the sea can be felt at every step in the streets and in the houses. The sun embraces the low houses surrounded by the Mediterranean scrub, where the scent of the sea blends with that of myrtle, juniper and helichrysum.

Who is it suitable for?
Families, couples, friends, singles, groups

Getting there

Website Link: https://www.discover-sardinia.com/resort/villasimius

Crystal clear sea around southeast coast, Falkensteiner Hotels

South-east coast

The south-east coast of Sardinia from Villasimius to the area of Arbatax is a succession of breathtaking landscapes, coves and inlets, where the thousands of shades of the sea mingle with the blue sky.

Who is it suitable for?
Families, couples, friends, singles, groups

Getting there

Website Link: https://www.discover-sardinia.com/resort

Punta Molentis Beach near Falkensteiner Hotels and Residences

Nearby beaches

Villasimius is certainly among the most famous destinations in Sardinia especially for the beauty of its beaches.
Starting from the magnificent beach of Capo Boi and continuing southwards you will meet the fantastic bays of Campus and Campulongu; continuing towards the most extreme point of Capo Carbonara do not miss Cava Usai and then the beautiful beach of Porto Giunco with its lagoon behind. Even more in lafamosissima Punta Molentis, facing the sea on two sides. In short, the choice is really wide!

Who is it suitable for?
Families, couples, friends, singles, groups

Getting there

Website Link: https://www.discover-sardinia.com/beach

Horses eating grass in Giara Park near Falkensteiner Hotels

Giara Park

Located 15 minutes from the site of Barumini, this plateau of 4500 hectares consists of a base of marl and sandstone dating back 20 million years.

Who is it suitable for?
Families, couples, friends, singles, groups

Getting there

Website Link: https://parcodellagiara.it/?lang=en

People Roaming in Alghero City near Falkensteiner Hotels

San Sperate

A town/museum located twenty kilometers from Cagliari in southern Sardinia, San Sperate is famous for its murals, "sound stones", cultural vibrancy, and freshly grown produce, including peaches.

Who is it suitable for?
Families, couples, friends, singles, groups

Getting there

Website Link: https://www.sardegnaturismo.it/en/explore/san-sperate

Inside of The caves of Is Zuddas near Falkensteiner Hotels

The caves of Is Zuddas

The road to reach the caves of Is Zuddas crosses the coast of the south and winds between coves and seascapes from the Caribbean colors and mountains covered with lush Mediterranean vegetation.
Along an easy path of about 500mt., at a constant temperature of 16 °, you will walk among the bright wonders of concretions from the most incredible forms: stalactites, stalagmites and eccentric daragoniti.

Who is it suitable for?
Couples, friends, groups 

Getting there

Other comments
Ticket price: 10 euros.
Duration: about one hour.Reservation with guide.

Website Link: https://www.sardegnaturismo.it/en/explore/zuddas

Ruins in Caesarea National Park near Falkensteiner Hotels


The archaeological site of Nora is located in an ideal position, overlooking three beautiful bays.
Founded by the Phoenicians around IXsec.a.C. as a strategic emporium on the Mediterranean routes, Nora was for its founders a key stopping point before embarking on long journeys that led up to Britain in search of raw materials.

Who is it suitable for?
Groups, Couples

Getting there

Other comments
Adults: Full price ticket € 8,00 
Under 18: Reduced price ticket A € 4,50 
School groups of all levels: Reduced price ticket B € 4,00
Groups of more than 20 people: Reduced price ticket C € 6,50
Cruise passengers: Reduced price ticket D € 6,00

Website Link: https://www.sardegnaturismo.it/en/explore/nora

Splendid sea near Falkensteiner Hotels and Residences


After a sailing trip leading to synchronisation with Capo Carbonara, you will arrive at Isola dei Cavoli, where a shore visit is planned. For exploration lovers, it's time for snorkelling with all of the equipment provided on board.Lunch is served on board. Afterwards, the tour continues, revealing other bays, Saracen towers, a Spanish fortress and an old lighthouse that breathe life into fishermen's tales and pirate battles.

Who is it aimed at?
Friends, couples, families

By boat

Good to know
The charming wooden schooner departs from the port of Villasimius and takes you to discover the southeast coast of Sardinia.

Mirto Liquor served near Falkensteiner Hotels and Residences

Spirituosen von Sardinien

Out of all of Sardinia’s flavours, there is a special position reserved for its signature liqueur: il Mirto.
This liqueur is derived from the berries or leaves of the prolific Mediterranean plant, typical of the island. The liqueur is produced all over Sardinia.
"Bresca Dorada", a company on the southwest coast of Sardinia, welcomes guests to its factory and shows them all of the areas where the liqueur and remarkable jams are produced.

Who is it aimed at?
Friends, couples

By car

Housing flats in Cagliari city near Falkensteiner Hotels


Cagliari is a mix of cultures, sea and sun that blends into an unparalleled natural scenery. So many reasons to go and discover it.
Thanks to its mild and temperate climate, which makes it an ideal destination all year round, Cagliari summarizes in its historic districts: Castello, Villanova, Marina e Stampace, the influences derived from the various dominations suffered throughout history.

Who is it suitable for?
Families, couples, friends, singles, groups

Getting there

Website Link: https://www.discover-sardinia.com/resort/cagliari

Nuraghe at Barumini museum near Falkensteiner Hotels

Nuraghe at Barumini

Barumini is a village that houses the nuragic complex "Su Nuraxi", the best preserved of the island. Su Nuraxi of Barumini has recently been recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Who is it suitable for?
Families, couples, friends, singles, groups

Getting there

Golden evening at Bastone of Saint Remy, Falkensteiner Hotels

Bastione of Saint Remy

The landmark of the city is the vibrant bastion in the historic quarter of Cagliari. From the Umberto I Terrace, you have a spectacular view of the city and the harbour.

Who is it aimed at?
Friends, couples, families

By car