A guest check-in at Falkensteiner Hotels & Residences

Do you still have unanswered questions in mind?

Here you can find all the facts about Falkensteiner as an employer and how to apply for a job with us:

You can find our current vacancies here.

Only online, not via e-mail.

Due to the GDPR we only accept applications online via our applicant management system for the security of your data.

If you have already prepared all documents (cover letter, resume, certificates,...), you will only need about 3 minutes for the application process.

We give everyone a chance, grades don’t define you!

We hire employees in all hotels, offices, disciplines and experience levels. Join us at any stage of your career!

You are welcome to send your application to the person named in the job advertisement.

You will receive an email confirming the receipt of your application right after you have completed it (if not, please check the SPAM folder). After that it will take about 2 weeks, depending on the position, until we contact you.

Please make sure your application is complete before sending it. If single application documents are missing, you can add them by yourself. Click on the link to the candidate portal, which you will find in the confirmation email. You have received this from us after completing the application, to confirm receipt.

You are welcome to apply for several positions.

We advertise the seasonal positions in January and the active search and job interviews start a little later, in February.

Winter and summer internships all year round; Erasmus Internships in the summer months (June-September) for Italy and Croatia.

You can find more information about our application process here.

Here you can find more information about the job interview.

We are very happy to accept unsolicited applications. Since we have separate unsolicited applications for Austria, Italy and Croatia, please make sure that you apply in the correct country! The easiest way to find the desired advertisement is as follows: Go to the open job offers and enter the term: "spontaneous" in the search field (far left). Then select the right spontaneous application (Austria, Italy or Croatia).

You have the possibility to withdraw your application at any time. To do so, go to the TalentLyft candidate portal. You will find the link in the mail you received after completing the application. You can then delete all your data here.


Yes, Falkensteiner is a family-run hotel group. Here you can find our company history.

Yes, at Falkensteiner you can expect a comprehensive range of further training.

We provide support in finding accommodation, but we also have our own staff housing.

Find us here!