Success Stories at Falkensteiner

To help you imagine a possible career path at Falkensteiner, some Falkensteiner family members will give away some details. Get some inspiration and come to know some colleagues from the hotels and offices.

It was more than 10 years ago when I started my journey at Falkensteiner. It was the preopening period of the hotel and I got a position of front office clerk. After just 1,5 years I was promoted as a front office supervisor. At the end of 2015, I got a chance to lead the housekeeping department and become a housekeeping manager. Now, after 8 years, I am working as a sales manager in charge for MICE segment and doing everything I have ever imagined. With Falkensteiner I feel fulfilled and happy. You can be happy only if you do what you love! 


Being part of a trustful and reliable core team and creating a safe and future-oriented hospitality with contemporary and attracting working conditions in the best industry of the world keeps me motivated and passionate.


Resident manager - hotel manager - cluster commercial lead & hotel manager. I like most the variety of challenges and the opportunity to develop things further within a team - also to stay in close contact to the team and guests.


My career at Falkensteiner company took off quite unexpectedly, while I was still studying, when I started working as a restaurant hostess. After that, with recognized effort and dedication, things went on their own and opportunities presented themselves one after the other. I made a lot of experiences at the reception, where I started as receptionist followed by first assistant and then deputy reception manager, as which I gained invaluable experience. Moving then to the position of assistant general manager and HR at the time of corona was also really a challenge, I learned a lot about myself, and I started to really appreciate the company where I am. Currently I am in the marketing department and I really see myself here, so I can say that I'm "settled"! :) 


After several years of international experience in the hotel industry, my career crossed paths with Falkensteiner in 2017 for the Capo Boi project, which immediately fascinated me. First as a quality manager, focused on attention to detail, then the promotion as Rooms division manager with the responsibility of leading the front office, housekeeping and conciergerie departments. In a short time, commitment and dedication helped me reach the goal set for me: to cover the position of general manager. I believe that not only my passion, but also the structure and experience of a hotel group like Falkensteiner, which allows for the development of individual skills, has been the key to my success. The combination of all these factors, as well as the trust placed by the company, make my journey appear exciting and full of stimulating perspectives. 



My first position at Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade was assistant front office manager. After one month I became front office manager and in that position I´ve spent 8 years.  
Now I´m a rooms division manager which makes me responsible for front office, housekeeping, spa and reservation departments. 


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