A lady enjoying a meal served at Falkensteiner Hotels

Indulge in Carinthian cuisine & popular international classics

Appreciate the freedom of your own flat without missing out on delicious Falkensteiner culinary delights

You don't feel like spending your precious time in the beautiful mountains behind the cooker during your holiday? We wouldn't either. Concentrate fully on summit storms, relaxing time in the spa and sharing moments with your loved ones - we will be happy to take care of your catering in the neighbouring Falkensteiner Hotel Cristallo. Enjoy the traditional cuisine of the region to the extent of your choice for an additional charge: Breakfast in your own apartment, snacking on the mountain at lunchtime and then being really pampered with a multi-course dinner in the evening? Or would you prefer to enjoy a full culinary experience from early morning to late at night? 

Your catering options

You are welcome to visit the neighbouring Falkensteiner Hotel Cristallo during regular meal times. For an additional charge and subject to availability, you have the choice of either enjoying individual meals with us or savouring the all-round indulgence programme in the course of our full board. Booking possible in advance and on site!

Full board adults: 66,00 €
Breakfast: 19,00 €
Lunch: 22,00 €
Active snack: 16,50 €
Dinner: 44,00 €
Children with discount


Opening hours:

Breakfast buffet
daily from 7.00 to 10.30 a.m.  

daily from 12.00 to 2.00 p.m. 

Active snack
daily from 3.00 to 4.30 p.m. (at the hotel bar) 

 daily from 6.00 to 8.30 p.m.

Young couple seating in a restaurant at Falkensteiner Hotels